Monday, October 24, 2011

Youth Pledge

Youth Pledge

youth pledge text
Youth Day to be commemorated indonesian nation each date 28th October every year. This Youth Day happening on 28th October 1928 as evocation of Indonesian Juvenile clans for unite and ready to plead indonesian nation from colonist hand
            This Youth Day is commemorated every year as thruster of Indonesian juvenile spirit to fill Indonesia independence with positive and useful activity
            Content of Youth Day agreement:
  1. Kami Putra dan Putri Indonesia  mengaku Bertumpah Darah Satu,Tanah air Indonesia
  2. Kami Putra dan Putri Indonesia mengaku Berbangsa satu,Bangsa Indonesia
  3. Kami Putra dan Putri Indonesia menjunjung tinggi Bahasa Persatuan,Bahasa Indonesia

If translated in English:
  1. We are Indonesian boys and girls claim one country,Indonesian country
  2. We are Indonesian boys and girls claim one nation,Indonesian nation
  3. We are Indonesian boys and girls respect unitary language,Indonesian Language

From Youth Day content we can know that time Indonesian young men have admitted come into the world and Indonesia are our nation and not necessarily be meddled hand colonist which that time are still colonize Indonesia nation
From Youth Day we also can know even gets to be concluded by that time Indonesia young men was bearish and boring to colonist that gain control that

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